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    United States Federal Government

    ProPricer Helped a Federal Agency Reduce Errors in Proposal Processes

    A federal acquisition team that processes hundreds of complex proposals each year, with contracts totaling in billions of dollars and subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), receives cost proposals from offerors which can be quite complex and cumbersome to analyze using spreadsheets. Having an efficient and accurate process to evaluate these bids is crucial to the team's success. They required a solution to bring in these large cost data files and perform cost analysis for negotiations in a timely manner.



    United States Federal Government



    Products Implemented

    Government Edition


    United States of America


    Systems Replaced

    Home-grown Pricing System




    “One of our contractors came to us and said, 'we need this done in a quicker turnaround,' and then introduced us to ProPricer."


    Learn How to Submit Timely Bids with Ensured Accuracy

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    Once implemented, reductions in time for proposal evaluations were seen almost immediately. The first proposal the group processed with ProPricer was received, analyzed and ultimately awarded with only three people on the team.



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